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Creating and Deploying Smart Contracts with SORA

This guide will walk you through the process of creating, testing, and deploying smart contracts on the Stellar network using SORA.

Quick Start

New to SORA? Watch our comprehensive video tutorial to get started quickly!

Creating a New Smart Contract Project


  1. Open SORA and navigate to the Projects dashboard.
  2. Click the "Create New Project" button in the top right corner.
  3. In the modal that appears:
    • Enter a name for your project (e.g., "MyFirstContract")
    • Choose a project path
    • Toggle "With Example" on to include a sample contract
    • Select an example contract from the dropdown (e.g., "hello-world")
    • Click "Create"


Make sure you have enough disk space before creating a new project. SORA will check this for you, but it's good to be aware!

Editing Your Smart Contract

  1. In the Projects dashboard, find your newly created project.
  2. Click the "Open With" button and select your preferred code editor.
  3. Navigate to the src/ file in your project directory.
  4. Modify the contract code as needed.

Pro Tip

Use SORA's built-in code snippets to quickly add common Soroban patterns to your contract!

Building Your Contract

  1. In SORA, go to the Contracts dashboard.
  2. Select your project from the list.
  3. Click on the "Build" button.
  4. SORA will execute the build command and display the output.

Testing Your Contract

  1. In the Contracts dashboard, click on the "Test" button for your contract.
  2. SORA will run the test suite and display the results.

Deploying Your Contract

  1. In the Contracts dashboard, click on the "Deploy" button for your contract.
  2. In the deployment modal:
    • Select the network you want to deploy to (e.g., "Testnet")
    • Choose the identity to use for deployment
    • Click "Deploy"
  3. SORA will handle the deployment process and display the contract ID upon successful deployment.

Interacting with Your Contract

  1. After deployment, click on the "Invoke" button for your contract.
  2. In the invoke modal:
    • Select the function you want to call
    • Enter the required parameters
    • Click "Invoke"
  3. SORA will execute the function and display the result.

How SORA Simplifies the Workflow

Without SORA, this process would involve:

  • Manually setting up a Rust environment
  • Using the Soroban CLI to create, build, and deploy contracts
  • Managing network configurations and identities through command-line interfaces
  • Writing and executing test scripts manually

SORA simplifies this by providing a unified, visual interface for all these steps, reducing the need for complex CLI commands and streamlining the entire development process.